Execute your own action list easily and simply
Actlist will help you to execute your desire things.
What is Actlist?
Actlist is a utility platform that helps you to execute your desire things. You can create your own program without thinking about update check, message box, tray notification, about dialog, notice the change log, etc. Just do focus only on coding about the core logic of your beautiful and greatest idea. forget about the other things ! Actlist will supports. Share your program with others and join in to benefit the world. Or if you already have some plugin.jar file and be ready to execute your own act list, then just launch the Actlist and drag and drop the plugin.jar file onto the Actlist.

Easy to develop
Actlist is JavaFx based application which is easy to learn and easy to develop. You can create your plugin in seconds.
Easy to cross platform
Actlist supports macOS and Windows operating system which means your plugin supports both operating system too. Write once, run anywhere !
Best way to execute your own act list
Just press the toggle button on beside of the plugin name.